Thursday, 7 November 2013

I miss the Greek soul...

I miss the Greek soul...

It is the endless openness and readiness to suffer, the strength to stand tall on the edge of an uncertain moment and mock the fates that would conspire to lock you out of experience; it is hurling yourself with the laughter of a lion into the ocean of the moment only because you refuse to stoop to a limit that you yourself have not striven to reach; and it is defiance and daring even as the enemy is bearing down, bent on your utter annihilation, the refusal ever to bend your neck to a hostile will.

There is wisdom in this, the wisdom of selflessness, of openness, of impulse, wit and cunning; and the kind of extravagant poetry which no page can contain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lovely sentiment - but why is it only Greek? Why not "I miss the human soul?"